Family Day Event Company

Leading Family Day Event Company (Singapore)

Family day event company singapore

‘Why should I hire an event company when I can do it myself?’

Have you ever wonder why is there a need to engage an event planner when it is ‘easy’ to manage an event on your own. In fact all you have to do is just go onto Google, search for what ever and just make your purchases you need. And instantly, your event is ready to go! Right? Well, not quite. Despite having many sources easily available online, it will still be a hassle to carry out your event. Think about the coordinating, the setup, the negotiations with entertainers and the stress of making the event look good. If you have ever tried planning for an event, you would know the amount of work and effort that is being put into while organizing a fabulous event. After being in business and speaking with past clients whom engaged us, we learnt that most had tried to organised their events on their own and they are frequently stressed up about their event not meeting the expectations of many.

Thus, if you are here because you do not have any idea how does hiring a professional event planner helps, we shall list it for you and let you decide on you own yea?

1. Sticking to the budget

There is always an assumption that a self planned event would work out perfect and less expensive. As you’re not paying for an additional service. However, think about it, is it really cheaper? Do you really think you can get a better deal out on your own? A seasoned event planner will have working relationships with venues, entertainers and even suppliers, discounts and special pricing is common(and most of the time, they are not available for the public). In addition, an experience event planner would know if cost cutting at certain areas is necessary for your event. Thus, it will most likely save the clients unnecessary expenses.

2. Having the right knowledge

It requires a great deal of knowledge to ensure the smooth running of an event or for instance family day event. A professional family day event company will have the foresight to see if there is a risk of event hiccups and prevent anything from going wrong. Whereas an individual will usually know it when it happens. Thus, the knowledge of an experienced event planner lowers the risks of any uncalled-for mistakes during your event.

3. Time

Imagine having to Google almost every suppliers and carnival stuffs you find on the net. That is going to be time consuming. Assuming you’re looking for the best quotations and bargains you can get off the net. As mentioned in previous point, a seasoned event planner already has the working connections with their existing suppliers. It saves so much time on your side and you’re able to accomplish more at the given time.

4. Outsource the STRESS!

In today’s context, outsourcing is a norm and also the smart way to do things. From the past conversations with our ex clients, stress is one of the most annoying factor. The biggest headache they have would be whether their guests are enjoying themselves. Can you imagine having your guests leaving your party feeling disappointed? It is an unpleasant thing to witness as a host. Even if your self organised event was going on great, there will always be a level of uncertainty till the end of the event. Thus, that would mean you will not be able to enjoy the party along side with your guests. The above are a list of factors you may look into when considering between hiring a professional event planner or doing it yourself. We certainly hope it helps you in making decisions for you next upcoming event.

Artsyballoons caters to all your needs for family day events. You can reply on us for a one-stop event planning service.

Some of the popular services we provide includes:

  • Game Stalls
  • Inflatables (Bouncy Castles)
  • Balloon Decorations
  • Props and Decorations
  • Roving Magicians
  • Roving Jugglers
  • Face-painting Service
  • Popcorn and Cotton Candy Machine Rental

Feel free to browse through our website on details of the services we provide.

Email us at for a quotation.